Sunday, August 31, 2014

Shumway Family Reunion 2014 Part 1: Piedmont

It was my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary this summer and we celebrated big time with a reunion in Piedmont and Monterey CA. IMG_1190

In fifty years they went from this (above) to this (below).  IMG_1156 I wish I had a close up shot of those t-shirts we are wearing because they have a beautiful drawing of the Shumways historic house with their Model A car in front of it printed on them.  A lot of Shumway history wrapped up in that house and that car!

I love the pace and nostalgia, the logistical ease, the good conversation and beauty and class of the Shumway reunions.   Every bit of it was so well thought out and executed.  Every part of what we’d need had been divined and put into place. This made it so easy to enjoy the moments we had together.  


  We arrived a day early due to the chance of severe thunder storms in Boston (love JetBlue who changed our flight without a fuss).   I had to include this picture of Peter getting ready to take off.  He really did hold that pose for a lot of the flight, mesmerized by cartoon network (which he never gets to see). 

We got there in time for a perfect Piedmont day.  A ride through the cemetery in the Model A to play catch, feed the ducks and gather wild blackberries. IMG_0850 IMG_0861 IMG_0863 IMG_0879  And then a trip to Bake Sale Betty’s.  Best fried chicken sandwich in the world according to Ron.  And certainly he would know! IMG_0912The line was totally worth it, especially when stuck in it with these people.  IMG_0906IMG_0908 IMG_0918 Grandpa Shumway got his little minions all set up in the basement with power tools and saws, building wooden boats.  This was Charlie’s dream come true.  IMG_0921 IMG_0926 We worked on flower arrangements for their big anniversary party.  Nedra taught me to arrange flowers, and I’m thinking I’d like to take that on as a little hobby.  IMG_0928The food at Casa Shumway is top notch.  And plentiful.  And my kids love it.   IMG_0932 IMG_0940 We went to Jeff’s childhood park to see this new bridge they had built, the light that night was perfect.  Let’s face it, everything about Piedmont is pretty much perfect.  IMG_0943 IMG_0955 IMG_0962 IMG_0983 I love this picture of Jeff.  Something about it portrays how he is really the nicest person alive.  IMG_1013 IMG_1038 Charlie had a great time jumping and Hazel actually asked me to take a few pictures…..miracle!  IMG_1069 IMG_1082 IMG_1084 I am in love with Piedmont.  The weather, the air, the trees, the smells.  I hope to win the lottery soon and move there.  IMG_1086 IMG_1096 Grandpa is famous in our house for his waffles and whiffle (whipped cream from a can).  The kids were in heaven.  IMG_1100 IMG_1256The kids made these adorable sock puppets….always something to do, never a dull or bored moment around there.  IMG_1101  IMG_1123 On the forth of July we all got dressed up to go and ride in the Piedmont parade.  I’m not sure there’s a more nostalgic American town than Piedmont on July 4. IMG_1124   IMG_1194  IMG_1269 IMG_1289 IMG_1300 IMG_1333 Hazel chose to stay with the adults and watch the parade.  She felt pretty proud of her choice since she got to snatch up all the parade candy as it got thrown out.  IMG_1360 IMG_1382 IMG_1389 IMG_1407

This ^^^ is the car I wish I could schlep my crew around in.  Wouldn’t that rock?

Stay tuned for part 2: Monterey Bay

1 comment:

  1. Such gorgeou pictures that capture beautiful emotions



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