This Monday was pure Magic. After enduring freezing weather for days and days we got a blessed little break.....45 degrees! Unless you've had to endure the dark frigid seemingly never ending winter days you can't know how glorious 45 degrees feels. You're whole body seems to release and relax and you can breath again. To celebrate we decided to go to the beach. Seriously, there is nothing greater than the beach on a crazy mid-winter thaw day. We went prepared to be pretty cold and to wear mittens and hats and gloves and run around for a little while before we lost feeling in our limbs....but it was even warmer than we expected. The kids ended up using all the winter hats I packed as 'buckets' to collect sea shells.
They went hunting and collecting for a few hours! All the while I was able to soak in the fresh air, the sun, the smells of the ocean an the company of my dear friend Eva. It was heavenly. In the middle of winter it's easy to forget about the beauty of nature.....the incredible world we live in. (The inside of my house isn't too breathtaking.) A day like this helps you remember how glorious the world is.
Oh, my, I love these two little best friends. I wish I could capture all of their sweet conversations. They play for hours together, having the best of times. They really fight with each other quite rarely. I love it.

And probably the most amazing part is that we got to see a baby seal. A real baby seal RIGHT BY US!!! She came up at high tide and stayed to enjoy the warm day with us. Apparently a vet had been there before we got there to check her out to make sure she wasn't sick. She was just relaxing, drinking it all in.
Oh, my, I love these two little best friends. I wish I could capture all of their sweet conversations. They play for hours together, having the best of times. They really fight with each other quite rarely. I love it.

And probably the most amazing part is that we got to see a baby seal. A real baby seal RIGHT BY US!!! She came up at high tide and stayed to enjoy the warm day with us. Apparently a vet had been there before we got there to check her out to make sure she wasn't sick. She was just relaxing, drinking it all in.

Look how close we were to her! It was so fun to see a wild animal like that......to observe her scooting up and down the beach and basking in the winter sun.

Eventually she got a little nervous about us and wriggled her way back into the sea. We watched her go.
I think Emmeline fully enjoyed her first trip to the beach. She spent most of her time in the bjorn...going between sleeping all cuddled up with her little hands covering her eyes and waking to gasp contently at all the fresh air blowing in her face.
Look at the snow on the beach.
It was warm enough that they even ditched their coats after a while so that they could "hunt" some more.
It was great to have Eva there to snap some pictures of me with the kids. It's crazy seeming me there with three kids. I have three kids. Weird.
It's so rare that I get my life as a mom captured. I want to remember how much I enjoyed this time with them.

The whole day made me want to appreciate little moments more with my kids. It's only going to be like this for a little while. Before I know it they will be gone. They really will. It made me think back to one of my favorite quotes on motherhood by Anna Quindlen.
"The biggest mistake I made is the one that most of us make while doing this (mothering). I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of the three of them sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages 6, 4 and 1. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less."
What we talked about:
- Badonna the seal. How she fanned out her tail and arched her back and purred (or was it more of a snarl, you're scaring me kind of sound?).
- The clouds. Charlie was amazed at how they moved across the sky.
- The endless treasures that they collected in winter hats and spread all over our kitchen to 'clean' once we got home. Our sink drain is now clogged with sand and shell bits. I think it was worth it, jeff might not.
- the seasons. the kids are really into understanding seasons right now
- A song that they've been listening to called "Hooray for the world." The lyrics say: Hooray for the world, I'm glad to be on it." Charlie thinks they say: "hooray for the world, i'm glad to be honest." Both good messages I guess."
How they looked when they slept that night: exhausted and happy.
Can I just say that this post made me so happy?! Your photos are inspiring & your thoughts are beautiful. Tomorrow is supposed to be 45 degrees here ... maybe I'll go to the beach too!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOSH SAYDI, what a perfectly wonderful post! The words will be treasured forever and the pictures were fabulous! How fun to have such a "magical" friend along who can make it seem as though we can reach out and take those shells out of Hazel's hands and almost smell that little seal! Loved the seal, but loved the picture of your own little "seal" laid out on the beach even more! Emmeline is changing daily! What a gorgeous child!
ReplyDeleteWho would think of going to the beach on a 45 degree day but you and Eva? She wrote how much she loved it too...and she's lucky to have a photographer friend who can bring her day to life as well!
Truly a magical blog entry!
Love you, Mom
Oh Sayds I love this. Those pictures are SOOO cute. That one of Emmeline made me wish I could reach through the computer and hold her, and the one of Hazel at the beginning is the cutest thing.
ReplyDeleteHow did the haircut go?
excellent stuff, sayds. you inspired me to drop everything else and read stories with the twins and show them pictures of seals and then every other creature they felt like seeing on the internet. oh, being a mom is so much fun when you put everything else to the side for a while. but then that stuff starts to pile up and it's back to the juggling game!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the "Grandkid Fix"--I really needed one today. Ask Jeff about the brown penguin who visited us on the beach at Zapallar, Chile on John's birthday in 1987(?)
ReplyDeleteHi Saydi
ReplyDeleteI love that quote you shared. I think of it often when I am rushing to feed, bath, read to, ect.. I often remind myself to stop rushing enjoy the moment. Great blog, your kids are so cute. I hope we can see each other sometime before our kids grow up. I would love for you to take our family picture if we are ever near you. We will be in Miami for the next 2 years so if you come down that way definitely call. Have a great week!
Hi Saydi
ReplyDeleteJust realized I was signed in under David's name. It's me Jenny --Hermana Stier.
Hey Shumways! I just had to post a comment and tell you how sweet that little Emmeline looks. She is perfect.
ReplyDeleteI want you to know I think of you when I am having one of those extra hard Mom days...I know you are right in the thick of it with me :)
Your family is beautiful! We cant wait to see you all again soon!
Saydi! I loved this post! (And I just got your sweet comment - I wish we lived next door too!!! Can't imagine how fun that would be!) I have loved following your blog. Your photography is spectacular and watching you as a Mom is nothing short of inspiring. The beach/seal pictures were amazing! It is great to see you so happy - and little Emmeline - what a doll! Thanks again for your note! Glad to be in touch this way! PS - We did Joy School this year with Eliza - it has been so fun for her (and me)! Love you! Cath
ReplyDeleteI am a huge fan of your photography -- I feel like I am a "blog-stalker" because I often sit looking at your pictures, in awe. You are amazing. I have also seen some family photos of fellow ward members you've done & am equally impressed. This post was so well-written and poignant. Thanks for sharing. You capture your children in such a loving & beautiful way. We have ZERO family photos (sad, but true) and I would be so thrilled to hire/pay you to take ours!!! (I know you & Jeff from the single's ward & the stake, just in case you are wondering who this admirer is -- Jenifer [Fisher] Sweeney.) :)
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