Sunday, June 01, 2008

Bah Hahbah (Bar Harbor)

Note the translation for non-native Bostonians.

We spent Memorial Day weekend up in Maine in Acadia National Park with some Belmont friends, biking, swimming, hiking, throwing things in to water, eating popovers. Good times!

Hazel and Charlie had a blast, surrounded by nature and lots of other kids. In fact, we managed to pack 3 adults and 6 kids into a little motel room with two bedrooms, so they had lots of interaction with other kids.

The biking was great. I didn't really understand the allure of biking with kids until experiencing it. You put your kids in a little rolling cage, tell them to look at nature, and then forget about them. Awesome! (picture of all four of us, maybe closeup of charlie sleeping in trailer) Note the cool folding bike with teeny wheels lent to me by our friend D.

And while we were setting up the bikes, we realized another added bonus of getting out into nature: little boys will spend hours throwing object into water. Charlie thought this was the main attraction, in fact. To him, the driving, the biking, the walking was all about finding new places to huck things into water. Ah, the simple life.
I call this picture 'pensive boy considers the fate of a vegetable'.
He was clearly pleased with the result.
Hazel, on the other hand, with her highly developed social sense spent the time socializing with the other kids. We are fortunate to have good friends with great kids, so this potentially nerve wracking part of parenting is actually kind of fun to watch. She followed A around all the time and watched Fairytopia movies with the S girls in their pimped out Honda minivan.
At one point, we bought a pizza and drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain (in the West, this would be a 'hill', but we have to give the Easties something) to watch the sunset. Charlie and Hazel spent about 30 seconds out on the windy, windy summit and started hollering 'I want to go back int the van!' We managed to drag Charlie back out and take this heart-rending shot.
All in all, a great weekend.


  1. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Thanks for the blog. Looks like a fun weekend. We'll make sure there are lots of vegetables for Charlie to throw into the Pacific at our reunion.

  2. Saydie & Jeff-

    I found your blog through Stacey Petrey's. Your family is so beautiful -- and Saydie, you are seriously an amazing photographer. The photos of your kids look professionally done (I love the one of your daughter sleeping -- so precious).

    Glad to see that you guys are doing so well! Paul and I are still in DC, and we had our first (a little girl) last summer. If you guys ever head south, let us know -- we'd love to see you again and meet your kids!

    Dana Boehm

  3. Looks like such a fun get-away!



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