Friday, January 23, 2009

Emmeline's Smiles - 9 weeks

There is nothing greater than a Newborn smiling at you. Seriously, I could (and do) spend hours and hours trying to get this girl to give me these big smiles. It is amazingly gratifying. She is becoming so much more alert. She coos and smiles at the drop of a hat. If I talk to someone else while she's feeding she pops off and gives me HUGE grins, thinking that I'm talking to her. She is captivating. The kids love it too.

I really think she gets what's going on a lot more now. She talks and talks to if she's really trying to tell me something. She'll lock eyes with me and coo and watch my mouth so intently like she's trying her darnedest to figure out how to make the ridiculous noises that I"m making. It's great. Simple, and absurd and absolutely wonderful.

This dream girl has also been sleeping really well, which makes me a very happy lady. Sweet Hazel prays every night that "mom won't get up in the night to help the baby." And, I think her prayers are being answered. I usually just have to get up once in the night, drag her over from the bassinet right by our bed to feed her and them put her back. I barely even wake up. It's great. She is by far our most mellow baby so far....or is that we are mellow?

Boy, do we love this little double chin girl.


  1. What a cutie! I love the first smiles... I can't believe how big she is getting!

  2. Oh she's so darn cute, Sayds!



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