Sunday, August 15, 2010

oh my….catch up time


I’ve had a nice blogging vacation.  I really haven’t blog much new for 6 weeks and it’s amazing how when it gets out of your system it’s so hard to pick it back up again.  I’ve buried the blogging tugs so deep that they’re not even calling to me much anymore.  So, the question I’ve had in my head for the past week is, should I start it up again?  Is it worth it?  Why am I blogging anyway?

Ultimately it comes down to this question:  Does blogging make me into a better or worse mom/wife? Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how I want to dedicate myself more co

  mpletely to mothering and building a strong marriage and family.  I’ve been trying to ask myself if the things I’m spending my time doing are helping me achieve this goal.  Sadly, when I step back and evaluate I find that I have so many things on my plate that my kids and family often fall into the category of obstacles, things that are in the way of getting all these other things done.  I want that to change.  Sure, I’m still going to be doing most of those other things, but I feel like if I do them with more focus on what they’re for-ultimately to build my family - then they’ll do just that.

That’s why I’m going to keep blogging.  I find that when I do blog I’m more keenly aware of my kids and of my efforts as a mother.  I think more about what I want to achieve, how I want to love, who my kids really are, who I really am, what my family really needs, what I’m doing and where I’m focusing.  I find that I use my brain more, to think, to plan, to free my ideas and thoughts from my crammed little brain and lay them out somewhat succinctly in a nice little post.  I don’t profess to be a great writer, but something about writing things out has always been therapeutic for me.  Plus, I want to have a detailed record of what my life is like right now.  I want to remember what we said and ate and saw and felt.  I want to remember the good and the bad.  I want to document the things that work and the things that don’t work too well. 

So, I’m going at it again.  I have a lot of catching up to do (probably 20 drafts in my draft box, ready to be put up).   So, get ready for some old, pretty stale news.  I want to get it in here before it’s gone out of my horrible memory forever. 

So, my apologies in advance for jumping back and forth from past to present for the next few weeks.  I don’t want to get too mired down with all the catching up.  I want to make sure to catch some of the memories while their still glistening and fresh.


  1. Saydi - I have the same dilemma some days. Blogging takes time (and sometimes I don't like how I feel when I'm putting off my kids -which I try not to do), but admittedly - I have to write - part of me would die without it - and all I want to write about for now is my family. But I'm glad (like you) I will have a record of sorts.

    As for you - PLEASE keep going! You have no idea how you inspire others. Especially me. You are such an amazing Mother, person, wife, friend, woman. I need people like you in my life to keep me going. So I second your decision! Publish all those drafts! Can't wait!

  2. "I think you're gonna like it here! " We do! Besides when we don't get to see those kids very often this is the way we keep in touch! your writing! You've got a good mind!

  3. Amen to all those thoughts. Love you.

  4. past, present and future are good.
    happy is the tater tot that can live in all three!



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