Friday, August 17, 2012


IMG_3090We took a mommy school field trip (you can get amazing deals as a homeschooling family!) with the Fowles and Schwartz to go and see Matilda the musical.  I think I’ve mentioned that Hazel is obsessed with Roald Dahl.  She’s read the entire box set and Matilda was one of her favorites so she was particularly excited to see the musical.  It was fabulous.  Ever bit of it.  The cute Matilda, the story, the music, the sets.  I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.  Even Charlie who refused to stand in a picture with all those girls, but reluctantly posed by himself.  Poor boy, always surrounded by girls. IMG_3091IMG_3103

1 comment:

  1. So wish we had seen that instead of the one we saw. It was fun but not spectacular! Poor Charlie! Some day he'll wonder what the in world he was thinking when he thought it was a pain to be surrounded by all those girls!



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