Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Charity's Call!

So, probably the most important reason we spent the day out at Wellesley was that we thought it would be the day that Char would get her mission call....and we were lucky enough that it was! We were all kind of shaking when she opened her mailbox to see if it was there. What anticipation has gone into this call....the last of 9 kids to go. We've all been through those crazy feelings you have before being told her fate for the next phase of your life. It was so fun to go through it again with Char. She had such a cool perspective about the whole thing and seemed appropriately freaked out and excited at the same time. She went down and opened it by the lake (at the same spot where I opened mine and where Jeff proposed to me). She opened it alone and then we went down to join her with a conference call all set up with way too many people (the entire family) on the line. It was crazy funny and chaotic and totally Eyre. So, she read it and (drum roll) she is called to serve in the
England, London South Mission
Wow, what a shock for everyone, including Char. That's one place that none of us really thought about. We're just so familiar with that place. My dad was a mission president there years ago. Josh served there, Jonah served in London North, Saren and Eli went on study abroad there, Char studied at oxford, we lived there when I was in sixth grade....the list kind of goes on and on. The more I think about it and the more the shock wears off it feels like the PERFECT mission for little Char. There will be people from ALL over the world there and she will be able to connect with them so well as she has really traveled all over the world. Plus, she gets to dress stylishly, teach the gospel in English, eat hobnobs, drink ribena, chew on black current winegums and say things like jolly good and blimey and knickers. Those people there will be so blessed by who Charity is and all that she has to give. I'm so excited for her.

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