Thursday, August 13, 2009


Ok, by now you’re thinking….”I see the reason for that disclaimer before posting all these Bear Lake posts.”  Sorry.  I know.  A lot of pictures, a lot of bragging…..but I like to call it gratitude and good documentation.

To keep it real, I need to throw in a few of the horrible things about Bear Lake 

  • jeff’s not there most of the time.  we really miss him.  every time charlie talked to him on the phone he’d end the conversation: I love you dad….I hope you come here soon.
  • it’s a little tricky trying to parent 3 kids alone for so long.  sure, my family is around, but they’re all really busy with their own families.  luckily there is nothing there to rush them to….and rushing is my least favorite part of mothering.
  • chaos.  it’s pretty much loud and messy all the time.  i kind of like it, until the last day or two and then I’m ready for some peace and quiet.
  • babies waking up in the wee hours of the morning.  emmeline did pretty well, but when she did wake up in the early early morning there was no where I could take her (aside from the beach) that didn’t wake up someone.  oh, woe is me, I know….but when you’ve stayed up till 2am playing boggle, it’s a little hard to deal with a crying-wake-everyone-up-baby
  • mosquitoes
  • slivers (kids really hate slivers….the thought of getting out the tweezers puts my kids into a tizzy)
  • weird skin ailments.  something about the dryness of Utah always presents me with some strange ailment….a cold sore, weird rashes on the backs of my legs, strange eye things….the list goes on and on.  every summer. 
  • sunscreen.  every single day slathering up three kids and myself can get a little old.  can someone invent a sunscreen pill?  just take it and bam, your whole body is suddenly spf30?

There’s some of the reality…..

the reality is part of what makes it all so good.


  1. Sweet are the uses of adversity!

  2. I loved loved reading these. it makes me want to go back so badly. You capture things so well in words and photos. i should add that lyla got hand foot and mouth and mcaky got some really weird black dot syndrome on the soles of his feet. Have no idea what they are but he has over 100 black dots on the soles of his feet. maybe they are just slivers too!



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