Sunday, April 18, 2010

motherhood inspiration

One of my new quests is to seek out a little motherhood inspiration daily.  It’s just way too easy for me to get lost in the jumble of motherhood and forget what it’s all about.  One of my main goals for the year has been to ENJOY.  To just enjoy life.  It shouldn’t be too hard, my life is as cushy as it gets….but still, I find myself hurrying through my days, trying desperately to tick off one or two things on my never ending list of things to do that I don’t enjoy what I have nearly enough.  Really, what in the world could be more important than enjoying and cherishing these little kids and all the other amazing things life offers?  Really, the laundry has to get done and someone has to feed this bunch.  Really, those things will still get done eventually if I take just a little time to enjoy a little more.

Last week I was lucky enough to get to spend the weekend with my mom and sisters.  Boy did I ENJOY….how could I not enjoy while surrounded by best friends, good food, sunshine and absolutely no responsibilities.  It was heaven.  We talked and talked and talked, about our lives and our challenges and our triumphs and desires and frustrations.  Those women seriously inspire me.  I came back ready to ENJOY mothering a bit more.


Which brings me to my point.  Motherhood Inspiration.  I’ve decided that it’s something I need every single day.  I think it’s my key to gaining some perspective, being the mom I want to be and enjoying being that mom.  I know that inspiration comes in many forms and I want to seek them all out.  Praying, scripture study, articles, books, blogs, journal writing, gratitude, watching and noticing goodness in people around me, my children, even writing my own blog.  All of these things help bring me up out of the fog to a place where I can see and enjoy.

So, over the next bit I plan to share some of the inspiration I find on this blog.  So hold me to it.

To start, here is an article written by a dear friend of mine (I’m so lucky to call her a friend) and published on my sister’s website (which is full of inspiring stuff).

Even if you’re not a mom, follow the link and take 5 min to read this.  It will certainly make you think and quite possibly make you cry (the good kind of cry). 


Oh, and please share with me anything you find inspiring…..I need it.


  1. Hi Saydi, Here is an awesome birth story, and from what I can tell, a cool blog of LDS women's birth experiences.
    I have been thinking a lot about how birth prepares us for mothering and I liked the way this woman was able to express her views. Better give my 1 year old some attention, she is on the table. Take care!

  2. I loved and NEEDED the chat with you and this post says it all. It is so good to know inspiring women!!! THANK YOU!

  3. Saydi! How nice of you to link to my article! What a surprise! Thank you! I'm the lucky one. What a privilege to say I know you - and that yes, we are friends! I only wish we were closer!! I get inspiration all the time from your blog. Keep it coming! love you!

  4. I can't say that i have anything inspiring but thank you for all the inspiration you post on your blog. You are an amazing person and mom and I look up to you so much! I hope that I can incorporate all of the good advice and love that you have into my mothering and hopefully my boys will turn out ok!



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