Friday, September 16, 2011

short trip to slc–summer wrap up

After Bear Lake I got to spend about 36 hours in Salt Lake before heading back to Boston.  There are so many people I would have loved to see while there, so many places from my childhood I’d like to revisit with my kids, so many cool things to see, so much Utah summer to soak in, so many good eating establishments I would have loved to visit, but alas, the time was too short. 

I did get to sneak in a quick visit to my friend Catherine’s house.  Cath and I went to Israel together and I have loved her since the moment I met her.  And, I have to say, I grow to love her more and more after reading each of her blog entries.  She is an dedicated, deliberate mother, a good friend, a stellar person and an amazing writer.  It was so great to see her life in all dimensions rather than just on the blog.  It is even more beautiful than it appears on her blog! 

She sent her girls out with Hazel to make these garden cupcakes while we talked about books and mothering and children and life.  It was heaven.  I just wish she lived next door.IMG_0904

IMG_0902IMG_0905Before we left Hazel snapped this picture of us.  I love pictures taken by my kids.  They so capture what my life is like right now, from their little perspective.

While in Salt Lake I also got to squeeze in some time to see a bunch of my girl friends from Israel and  High School.  It reminded me how blessed I’ve been with amazingly good friends in so many eras of my life.  I wish I could tailor make a little community to live in where they were all my neighbors.


And last, I got to help my mom and dad celebrate their 42nd anniversary.  Aren’t they cute?  My dad had just had shoulder surgery, and my mom was killing herself to take care of them, but look at their faces….they look as if they don’t have a care in the world.  I love those two. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the memory and as always...the fabulous food!



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