Sunday, June 08, 2008

my other job

In addition to my career as a full time mother (my 24/7 job) I've been working one afternoon/evening a week for the program that I used to run before I had kids. It is the perfect set up, I love it. We have an amazing babysitter who comes and watches the kids until Jeff gets home and I get to go out and feel connected to the world in a different way than I do on a day to day basis. For those who don't know, I'm a social worker...and I do home visits and run groups for pregnant women and new moms. I've learned so much doing it...yes, I've learned a ton of pretty useful info about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, newborn development, community resources, government programs, post partum depression etc etc etc....but perhaps I've learned even more watching these strong women cope with really difficult life circumstances and still give their children powerful love and security and a kind of hope they didn't have as kids.

It is pretty inspiring. I couldn't ask for a better part time job to compliment my full time mothering career.

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