Friday, November 07, 2008

about to burst

So my good friend M came over yesterday and took some shots of my belly and my kids (I tried to avoid being in the pictures....just the three kids.) I thought this little person would like to know what they looked like inside......I think s/he looks like something trying to explode out of there. Please wait baby....wait for Aunt Shawni next Friday.
We're so excited about this baby. The kids are particularly delighted with the whole idea. It will be interesting to see if they're as excited about an actual crying, nursing, burping, spitting wonderful real baby as they are about this bump inside of me.This morning as I rode the T to my last big photo shoot I watched as people got on and off, busily thinking about and rushing to all the important things of their days......and it dawned on me....I am going to BIRTH a child in the next little while. Yes, these people are all busy doing important things....but I am going to bring a child into the world. Seriously, motherhood, pregnancy, childbirth....all amazing miracles.
Thanks M for the pictures. As much as I HATE getting pictures taken of myself.....motherhood is too good not to document.

We can't wait to meet this new little person.


  1. Great shots. Love them.

  2. Oh my goodness this makes me so excited, anxious, thrilled...for you. We cannot wait to meet this person inside of you. I love these shots of you guys. What a great family!

  3. Shoot Saydi, you look absolutely glowing! That means this baby is just around the corner. We're praying for at least Monday. Go slow! I'm sooooo excited to see who pops out but if h/she could just wait a few more days it would be great. Have a little talk with that bump tonight and see if she/he can be persuaded!
    Love you,

  4. love charlie's face in that last one!

  5. I'm actually surprised at how small you look. I think you should do a full shot with only a bikini on so we can really see if the belly is as big as you say.

  6. You got me crying as I read your blog today.... I'm scared! I don't have long till I see my baby girl!!!
    Congratulations on looking so great!

  7. You look absolutly gorgeous, I dont know what you are talking about!



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