Wednesday, July 08, 2009
testimony and swimsuits
Since it was the first Sunday of the month it was what we call "Testimony Meeting." Anyone who wants to can go up to the pulpit and say what has touched them over the month, what they believe to be true, talk about the ways that they have witnessed God in their lives. We were sitting there, enjoying other's testimonies. Quite a few kids were going up there and saying kind of memorized things, copying what they've heard adults say. I was sitting there thinking about how I don't really like it when kids do this, it feels a bit insincere, when Hazel leaned over to me and said that she wanted to go up. I asked her what she was going to say and she told me that I'd have to wait and see. I tried to dissuade her, but she was pretty adamant about it (even though she's never talked in front of people before). I decided that it couldn't be that bad and I should give her a chance. She marched up there and stood at the pulpit. I was super nervous and was turning redder and reader as she just sat there with her finger at her lip (her thinking stance). After a few seconds (they felt like long minutes) she said pretty boldly:
"When Jesus lived on the earth they didn't have any swimming suits, so they went in the water with their clothes on. I love my savior. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
I was laughing so hard tears where coming down my cheeks. I had only a few seconds as she walked back to our seat to pull myself together so that I could let her know how proud of her I was.
I asked her later how she knew that, and why she said it and she said it was something that she figured out all by herself and that it was something that adults don't know, so she wanted to tell them.
We've got some instructing to do about what a testimony is.....but at least hers came from her very own brain and her very own heart.
I love that girl. I'm so excited to see who she's going to be as she grows up.
baby a
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
ahhhhh, bear lake.
I love that it's a huge pain to get to internet and computers (have to go on a dirt road to another house). I have to really plan out computer time, there's not a computer in the next room just calling my name. My kids love that too.
I love that I get to sleep in the same room with Hazel and Charlie. I love watching them sleep, all twisted up skeewampus on their little floor mats, exhausted from a day of too much fun.
I love being with my sisters and watching them mother....they are so good.
I love how physical this place is, a lot of walking and playing and swimming and all of it's fun.
I love having time to watch the clouds and the sunset and the wind and the sun on the water.
I love having time at night to play games and talk about interesting things.
I love cooking with my mom and sisters.
I love getting to know my sweet nieces and nephews.
I love watching bonds form between my kids and their cousins. Especially their older cousins who are such great examples to them.
I love watching my kids interact with my mom and dad and seeing them all fall in love with each other.
I just feel seriously so blessed to be here....for almost a whole month. I'm totally spoiled...I know it and I'm planning to appreciate every minute of it.
cookies for sale!!!
For the last four weeks of the school year Hazel and Charlie started a pretty lucrative business.....selling cookies to all the hungry after school kids who walk by our house on their way home. The first day they were pretty shy, but still attracted quite a few costumers just by being cute and timid. The next week their friend Addi showed them how it is to be done, screaming "COOKIES FOR SALE!" to all passer-byers. I think they might have been scared not to buy a cookie. By the last week Hazel and Charlie had it down. Hazel took the money, Charlie held a "BUY A COOKIE" sign and jumped up and down shouting, in Addi fashion: "COOKIES FOR SALE!!!." We met a lot of great kids and I got a lot of compliments on my cookies. I'm psyched, I've always wanted to find someway to be famous for my cookies.
Charlie and Hazel are pretty psyched too. They've been saving their money for all kinds of things, mostly packs of gum, but Hazel saved enough to buy part of her very own tag-a-long (bike that attaches to jeff's so they can ride together).
Watching them sell was pretty entertaining too. They decided that they had better luck getting people to stop if I wasn't visible, so I left the door open (so nosey neighbors would know that they were being semi-supervised) and sat in on the couch and watched them through the window. Hazel sat at the table and ordered Charlie when people came into view to start his selling. Charlie obeyed and smiled. They were pretty shy actually talking to their costumers, usually just pointed at the sign when asked questions about price, product ect. People must have thought it was cute. After the costumers left I saw Charlie pull in his little fist in victory saying, "Yes! I'm gonna be rich!" Maybe you will little boy.
Next year we have plans to sell all kinds of things, cookies, hot chocolate when it's cold (charlie made sure to tell all the costumers about this one), art and pipe cleaner rings (these are Hazel's ideas). I'm going to start making them pay rent.
Monday, July 06, 2009
funky woods
I love it when the Woods ask me to take their family pictures. Angi has such a cool style and always has all kinds of ideas....and Randal is about the best, most cooperative, easy going, not annoyed dad/husband I've ever photographed. And, that little Addi, wow, what personality.
And I love that they don't mind that I play around with pretty funky editing techniques.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
baby in sink
Here’s a little preview for all you family members who get to see Emmeline in the next week or so. Get excited. She is the charmer of all charmers. I can’t believe how much I love this kid. She is just a bundle of awesomeness. I can’t get enough of her cheeks, her expression, her rolly polly body. And I can’t believe that I have a little person, a little person who came out of me and now sits in my kitchen sink.
Take a good look at that Mohawk. It’s got to be chopped off, it’s getting a little scary looking.
Wow! You made it to the end. Sorry there are so many, they just illustrate how I CAN NOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS BABY!!!
Saturday, July 04, 2009
pictures I've been meaning to post
I am so far behind on posting blog pictures.....and now it overwealms me so much that I just try to procrastinate it all away....which isn't working. I've decided instead, I should just get them up there. No witty commentary, no great writing, just documentaiton of what we've been up to. So here goes, get ready for a stream of them over the next little bit.
Uncle Tal has made quite a number of surprise visits the past few months. The kids are always more than delighted. He calles them "puppies" and "taco" and takes them to Pine Banks Park for adventure. And, best of all for Charlie, he always brings some wicked cool tools and let's charlie hold them and drool over them (litterally).We have a favorite ice cream joint just down the road (the "cow place" as Charlie likes to call it. During the spring (when the weather was better than it is now....sad, I know) we went there whenever it was warm enough to roll down the windows. One small bowl, two sugar cones and a spoon to split it up. I'm a really cheap mom. I don't think they know that they could have anythign different....ignorance is bliss.
We do go to the library, sometimes.....I wish more often. I love this sculpture, adn the kids do to. Here we are at the 'cow place' again....a shumway family biking adventure. Even though it is less than a mile away from home, going via bike felt very adventureous.....and a little dangerous. Dont' know if we'll be doing that again.
Friday, July 03, 2009
one beautiful day
Last week we FINALLY got a beautiful day after rain and rain and more rain and a ten day forecast full of rain. It sure felt good to feel some heat, see some blue, squint our eyes. And of course, go to the beach. We were there for hours and hours and loved every minute of it (except the getting to and from the car part….I always hate the part, but it’s soooo worth it).Emmeline LOVED the sand. After trying to eat it a bit and deciding that it wasn’t too tasty she just crawled around and practiced her pincer grip. I loved it, all the fun of toys with nothing but a sandy baby to clean up.
She also loved crewing around after her big friend Audra who she idolized almost as much as Charlie idolized Audra’s big brother Landon.
This is Emmeline’s new face. Imagine her breathing really loudly in and out through her nose while doing it. She does this all the time, I’m not sure what she’s saying by it, but always seems pretty pleased when she does it.
Charlie couldn't get enough of following poor Landon around. It’s hard to be so cool, you’ve got to have these little guys try to act big and drool over your every move.
Here’s Hazel, taking a picture of the day with her brain as we were leaving. She said, mom, I didn’t bring my camera, so I’ve got to take a picture with my brain, the proceeded to tap her head and make clicking sounds as she looked around, smelled, drank it all in. I’m sure she wishes I’d take more pictures with my brain and less with my camera……you are absolutely right little Haze, but I don’t think my brain is quite as good as yours anymore….I need some real pictures or I’ll forget. She made me think I should try to take some more brain pictures though.