Thursday, July 19, 2012

last day of school

IMG_0201I’m so happy I got to homeschool the kids for so long while we were in England, but I’m also so happy they got to experience going to school in another country.  Emmeline had the longest and most consistent experience with her little pre-school  She was so brave and went every time even when she clearly didn’t feel like it.  She always greeted me with a huge smile on her face at the end of the day, so I kept forcing her out the door.  I loved her little preschool.  The teachers were all so kind to her.  She insists that she didn’t learn at her preschool….”We don’t learn mom, we just play” and that’s the kind of preschool I love.  They had all these great play stations set up everyday for the kids to interact with.  It was great.  Her teachers said it was fun to see her open up and change.  They said that on that last day of school she was actually chatty.  She did something hard, and sometimes I worry it was too hard for a three year old.  But I think it gave her some confidence in herself and even though she insists otherwise, I know she learned a ton. IMG_0192IMG_0199I wish I had a picture of her running to me with her arms wide and her eyes all sparkly at the end of the day.  She’d be sitting on that little bench you can see in the background until I caught her eye and then before I could blink she had me in a huge happy embrace. IMG_0204 She was also pretty happy about that little lunch box she got to pack with her (she felt like a real big kid eating lunch at school).  Do you know about Planet Boxes?  I’m a little embarrassed about how much I love ours.  It was a ridiculously expensive purchase, but the satisfaction has been well worth the money (maybe more on them some other time). 

IMG_2778On the big kids second to last day of school they had sports day.  They were so excited about it.  It was an Olympic theme (of course) and they got to represent different countries.  The games and races lasted all day and Em and Peter and I got to join them around lunch time to watch them compete.  They even had a Mum’s race which, much to Hazel and Charlie’s delight, I joined.  I did pretty well, but go shut out at the end by some super speedy mums.  IMG_2782Their last day at Ray Lodge school was right in the middle of our crazy car troubles so I was a bit late to pick them up on their last day, and super frazzeld (the rental car had just gotten a flat tire and just as I was loading up Em and Peter in the stroller to walk and pick up the kids super late) my neighbor rushed to the rescue to take me to do the school run.  I got there just in time to catch some of their classmates and teachers for some quick photos.  Too bad it was non uniform day, I’d love to have them with their friends all formal and British looking.  Just imagine these kids in cute little uniforms, oK?IMG_2790-2Hazel’s teacher, Mr. Hayes was incredible.  He recognized Hazel’s talents right off the bat and was so kind and helpful to her.  I really was so so grateful for him.  He really made her experience. IMG_2791-2Charlie’s teacher, Mrs. Johnson was also great.  And he loved his “helper teacher” (the guy in the middle, can’t remember his name).  Charlie didn’t want to pose for a picture with his friends so his teacher ran and grabbed him and forced him into one.  Oh, I love good teachers. IMG_2793

I’m so happy that these guys got to have their little British school adventure.  I know they were just as proud of themselves as I was of them.  It wasn’t all glorious, they had some challenges there, but I know they feel confident having that experience under their belts. 

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